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Agency Training & Wellness 

Agency/Unit Training

Officer/Deputy psychological and emotional wellness
topics of education include common psychological and emotional symptoms stemming from acute stress, trauma, and accumulative occupational and personal stress over time. In-depth discussion on symptomology, coping methods, mental health treatment options, and areas of personal and professional life changes and wellness. 


Military psychological and emotional wellness
topics of education include common psychological and emotional symptoms stemming from acute stress, trauma, combat, pcs and service and personal life balance issues. In-depth discussion on symptomology, major life adjustments and its effects on family life and personal health. training further addresses suicidality, treatment methods, coping skills and military family resilience. 


Peer Support Resilience and Wellness
topics include resilience and wellness specifically for peer support team members and mental health advocates for the military. In-depth discussion on symptomology of burnout and resilience fatigue. Maintaining balance and boundaries in the helper role to ensure longevity and effective aid to peers. 


Peer Support Supervision and Consultation
Peer support supervision and consultation available for difficult cases, cultural issues, critical incidents, peer support workload balance, ethics, confidentiality, and peer support skills. 


Agency Wellness Visits

Agency wellness checks involve 50-60 minute individual meetings with each member of the agency or team. Visits can be scheduled at the convenience of the team member at the Vancouver or Tumwater offices. Visits touch on the uniformed members overall health and wellness, checking in on stress levels, methods of coping, discussing any concerns with work/life balance, burnout and/or difficulties that may hinder their capabilities. This is not formal mental health treatment. Coping skills, mental health resources, and education can be provided in these visits. It is recommended that training or a formal in-person introduction take place prior to wellness visits being scheduled. 


If you are interested in training or wellness checks for your agency, please fill out the contact form below. 

Contact Information

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